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GATE-2022 EXAM Last Minute Preparation Strategy for a better score!


The GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) Nationally Conducted for PG and PhD admissions in Engineering will be held soon in various disciplines.

Rumours are circulating on social media that the Gate-2022 exam will be postponed. No official information is available yet. For proper information about this, visit / check only at the official website The Gate Admit Card is now available for download from January 15th despite the delay. Currently there is no change in the date and time of the exam based on this gate admit card. If the examination is postponed due to corona, the candidates should proceed without any negligence in the matter of preparation even if it is done as per the pre-arranged plan.

Admission to ME / MTech / MS / PhD courses at various IITs, IISC Bangalore, NITs and other universities depending on the GATE score. A monthly stipend of Rs 12,400 is an attraction. The gate score is also the basis for job opportunities in various Maha Ratna and Mini Ratna public sector companies. in IITs M.E / M.Tech seat means not only quality technical education but also the opportunity to get jobs with attractive salaries in the best companies internationally. With this golden future in mind one should be fully prepared for the entrance exam.

Do not confuse tough. Practice the appropriate techniques while writing the sample tests. Do not worry about looking at the sharp questions in the exam. No need to worry though as the whole paper looks tough. It should not be forgotten that the gate score is based solely on the relative talents of the co-candidates. Those who scored 65 to 75 out of 100 marks in some sections got the best ranks considering the previous gate exams and Got admission in good companies. The correct answer to the numerical questions must be found using the mouse and the virtual cue. In the case of multiple choice questions, the paper setters predict a formula and the concept of how many mistakes a student can make and how many different answers will come up and give options accordingly. Do not immediately recognize the answer we have received should also consider the other options for a moment.

In This time before the test should be considered as a time of revision. Read and comprehend things that have been grasped. 10 to 20 percent of the time should be devoted to the basics, 70 percent to the subjects focused on the exam and the last 10 percent to the rigorous practice.. Practice important formulas from 2, 3 subjects every day and make notes of them. This is useful for a quick recap the day before the test. Small tables / short notes prepared during preparation should be utilized in this revision. One has to practice on two numerical problems related to each formula. At this point we need to re-examine the critical key points. Writing sample tests (mock tests) conducted online to understand preparation quality. 75% of the questions are creative and research-oriented. The basics for these need to be carefully understood. Adequate focus on topics that have never been asked (untouched) in the past. Most of the Engineering Services and Civil Services questions conducted by UPSC are asked in the previous gate exam. So these should be practiced in accordance with the gate syllabus.

Priority will be given to all subjects in the gate exam. That is why “every chapter should be read in all without neglecting any subject.  It is better not to go for tough new topics that you have never read before, Chapters that are tough take a long time to understand. Those who are completely unfamiliar with the subject should not take much time to such things at this moment. Quality is more important than quantity in preparation. Candidates usually try to revisit only the topics that they find easy after preparation. Apart from that, the critical points that have been read before should also be revised. It is difficult to write the correct answer to each question in the exam. Decide which questions will be written in a period of 3 hours and how many marks can be achieved. The same principle should be followed when preparing. 25% of the questions will be repeated in the previous question papers. Practicing 30 years of question papers for these will give good result.

Negative Marks-   Do not forget that there are negative marks in the exam. Only write answers that are known for sure. Assessing and locating can cause occasional damage. Wrong answers will be deducted at the rate of 1/3 marks for one mark questions and 2/3 marks for two mark questions. Numerical multiple choice questions do not have negative marks .

Caution with Virtual Calculator - GATE is a computer-based test. Conventional calculators are not allowed into the GATE test center, The numerical question should be solved with a virtual calculator. Some higher order equations cannot be done with this calculator. Such questions require the use of a virtual keypad in the Method of Substitute or Elimination method. Therefore, appropriate practice should be done in this regard. For this you must write 4 or 5 complete sample questionnaires conducted In online.

These are important at this moment –

do not waste time at this crucial time. It's good to stop watching TV, movies, YouTube, using Facebook and WhatsApp chats. It is also a good idea to switch off the cell phone if possible. Preparation should be completed and reviewed as soon as possible. Important formulas and key elements should be practiced based on weightage. Practice the Solved, and Unsolved Questions from the Textbooks. Write as many online tests as possible. Mistakes made while writing these should not be repeated. Stress is natural as exam time approaches. The preparation done so far must proceed with the courage that is sufficient to write the test. Do not worry about not being properly prepared or for any other reason. Calmness before writing the test is very important. Conflicts should be avoided. If possible, form groups with friends who are preparing for the gate and discuss what they have read with each other. This will allay some doubts and Awareness of new topics is formed. We need to memorize the main formulas of all the subjects. Write any standard 'Model Gate Paper' The day before the exam on time, it is useful for Main Exam. It is more important to write the correct answers to all the questions than to try to write the answer to how many questions in the exam.

Careful preparation done so far Take advantage of this moment to Achieve good rank / score. The readiness that has been maintained so far is a one level... Tactical fixing at this final time is another level.



Author: admin
22.09.2022, 10:52
Category: GATE
Comments: 0
Views: 6106


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